This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
C PROGRAM DEMO C DIMENSION IXP(3), IYP(3) COMMON/VIEWPT/ NXPIX, NΥΡΙΧ C Prepare graphics viewport. CALL PREPIT C Define logical colour 8 to be grey. CALL RGBLOG(8,0.5,0.5,0.5) C Set current colour to grey. CALL SETCOL(8) C Define the vertices of a triangle. IXP(1) = 0 IYP(1) = 0 IXP(2) =NXPIX-1 IYP(2) = 0 TXP(3) = 0 TYP(3) = -ΝΥΡΙX-1 C Fill in this triangle in current colour. CALL POLPIX (3, IXP, IYP) Define the vertices of a square centred in the viewport. C First the bottom left-hand corner. IXI =IFIX(FLOAT(NXPIX)*0.25+0.5) C IYI =IFIX(FLOAT(NYPIX)*0.25+0.5) Then the top right-hand corner. C IX2=IFIX(FLOAT(NXPIX)*0.75+0.5) IY2-IFIX(FLOAT(NYPIX)*0.75+0.5) C Set current colour to white. CALL SETCOL(7) C Draw the outline of the square. CALL MOVPIX(IX1, IY1) CALL LINPIX(IX2, IY1) CALL LINPIX(IX2,Y2) CALL LINPIX(IX1,IY2) CALL LINPIX(IX1, IY1) C Draw white dot in the centre of the viewport. IXC=IFIX(FLOAT(NXPIX)*0.5+0.5) IYC=IFIX(FLOAT(NYPIX)*0.5+0.5) CALL SETPIX(IXC,IYC) C Call the end of frame routine. CALL FINISH STOP END
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